Friday 22 March 2013

Covenant Students Doing God's Work

I had the pleasure of spending part of last Thursday morning at Covenant Christian School enjoying the grade nine students' "Playing My Part in His-Story" presentations.  The confidence, maturity, and passion in their presentations were second to none.  As a graduation project, the students were asked to research a topic of choice, develop a "Big Question", use one of the school's "Throughlines" - God Worshiping, Community Building, Creation Enjoying, Idolatry Discerning, Justice Seeking, Earth Keeping, Beauty Creating, Servant Working, Image Reflecting, or Order Discovering making  connections between the throughline and the topic, and cite relevant biblical scripture passages supporting both the topic and throughline.  Finally, the students were asked to use digital story telling to describe their service learning that went along with the project.

One big question was "How do people with disabilitites affect our values?" another was "Are we helping or hurting the homeless?" and a third was "How are we taking care of sick children and their families?".  These students are doing God's work and were, as Philippians 2:4 suggests, interested not only in their own lives, but were interested in the lives of others. 

The love in that classroom was overwhelming: student to student, student to teacher, teacher to student, parent to child, and child to parent.  There is no better way to spend a morning than immersed in love, because God is love.  Thank you, Covenant Christian.