Monday, 3 September 2012

Administrators Complete Professional Growth Plans, Too.

Both teachers and principals/assistant principals complete professional growth plans.  Professional growth means the career-long learning process whereby a teacher/administrator annually develops and implements a plan to achieve professional learning objectives or goals that are consistent with the "Teaching Quality Standard" or the "Principal Quality Practice Guidelines" (PQPG - this document's name may be chanaging to the "Alberta Professional Competencies For School Leaders".   

Growth plans must be submitted to the principal (for teachers/assistant principals) or to the associate superintendent (for principals) by September 30th of each school year.  Plans should reflect goals of the individual based on an assessment of his/her learning needs, they should show a demonstrable relationship to the TQS or PQPG, and should take into consideration the education plans of the school, the school division, and the government.

The Alberta Teachers' Association has an excellent tutorial for teachers on its website:  and administrators will find the PQPG and templates on the BGRD Intranet at  remember, the intranet is a password protected site. 

                                   To help make this school year the best ever, check our list of resources.

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