Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Thorsby Elementary School Assembly

The TES gymnasium was buzzing with excitement Monday morning in anticipation of the school's morning assembly.  Mrs. Jubinville welcomed everyone and began by announcing the month's birthdays.  The birthday students and staff stood, and everyone sang them happy birthday.

An exciting, beautiful presentation was when grade four student, Shirley, sang the folk song, 'Blow The Wind Southerly' to her peers and staff - she did a wonderful job.  Next, Mrs. Schmidt invited her SWAT team to speak about the activities it was planning for the month and they finished with singing the 'Banana Song'.

Finally, Mrs. Maxwell spoke about the school's Mozambique fundraiser.  The school raised $1500.00 and were sending the money to its sponsor school in Mozambique so the school could purchase books for its library.  Donating money gave students a chance to be selected to smoosh a cream pie into the face of Mrs. Jubinbille, Mr. Larson, and Mr. Warren - the students loved this!  Great things are happening at Thorsby Elementary School.

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