Thursday, 13 November 2014

A Little Fun at Fall Planning

Black Gold's Board of Education took a few minutes during its fall planning sessions to have some fun together playing "Minute to Winit".  The activity and the laughter was a great way to begin the afternoon.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

ÉCPS Choir Performs at EIA Remembrance Ceremony

Staff, students, parents, and families from École Corinthia Park School joined Edmonton International Airport staff in remembering the Canadians who selflessly defended our freedom.  The choir opened the ceremony with the singing of O'Canada and ended with In Flanders Fields.

BGRS/ATA Healthy Interactions Program

On November 7th, 90 teachers participated in the "Healthy Interactions Workshop" offered collaboratively by Black Gold Regional Division and the Alberta Teachers' Association.  The program provides participants with a toolbox of communication and problem-solving skills that will assist in handling concerns.  The feedback received was very positive and suggested the training was timely as parent/teacher interviews are occurring later this month. Thank you to everyone for participating, and thank you to both Principal Zane Chomlak and Division Principal Norm Dargis for presenting.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Student Recognition at ÉCPS

I spent 45 minutes this morning at École Corinthia Park School's assembly, and what a treat it was. Many students were recognized for demonstrating their "Cougar" values, for "filling the buckets of others", and for being caught speaking French - our students are top-notch!

Grade 3J sang a wonderful song called "May There Always be Sunshine", Mr. Deverdenne's grade 5 class, under the tutelage of Mlle. Sorensen, performed a beautiful piece on the xylophones, and Mrs. Lyall's speech about the upcoming medieval themed book fair culminated in a joust between two worthy horsemen: Mr. Maron and Mr. Cable.