Friday, 12 December 2014

BGRD No.18 Administrators Review the Principal Quality Practice Guidelines

During this month's Administrators' Association Meeting, Principals, Assistant Principals, and Central Office staff used the Professional Learning Community time to address the Seven Dimensions of the Principal Quality Practice Guidelines.  The administrators perused the document adding, deleting, and altering the accompanying Black Gold Quality Indicators.  "The provincial document, with Black Gold's additions, is a fabulous tool imbuing the role of the principalship; kudos to BGRD admin," said Principal Cable.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Warburg Students Honour Volunteers & Staff

Warburg School Leadership students hosted a Celebration Assembly recognizing volunteers and staff for their commitment and dedication to the students and school community.  Tucked in with the formal awards were a number of lighthearted ones: best story teller, most likely to start a conversation that never ends, and, my favourite, most likely to call your mom if you didn't do your homework.

The Leadership students did a fabulous job presenting, and students, staff, and volunteers enjoyed the fun, laughter, and recognition.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

A Little Fun at Fall Planning

Black Gold's Board of Education took a few minutes during its fall planning sessions to have some fun together playing "Minute to Winit".  The activity and the laughter was a great way to begin the afternoon.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

ÉCPS Choir Performs at EIA Remembrance Ceremony

Staff, students, parents, and families from École Corinthia Park School joined Edmonton International Airport staff in remembering the Canadians who selflessly defended our freedom.  The choir opened the ceremony with the singing of O'Canada and ended with In Flanders Fields.

BGRS/ATA Healthy Interactions Program

On November 7th, 90 teachers participated in the "Healthy Interactions Workshop" offered collaboratively by Black Gold Regional Division and the Alberta Teachers' Association.  The program provides participants with a toolbox of communication and problem-solving skills that will assist in handling concerns.  The feedback received was very positive and suggested the training was timely as parent/teacher interviews are occurring later this month. Thank you to everyone for participating, and thank you to both Principal Zane Chomlak and Division Principal Norm Dargis for presenting.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Student Recognition at ÉCPS

I spent 45 minutes this morning at École Corinthia Park School's assembly, and what a treat it was. Many students were recognized for demonstrating their "Cougar" values, for "filling the buckets of others", and for being caught speaking French - our students are top-notch!

Grade 3J sang a wonderful song called "May There Always be Sunshine", Mr. Deverdenne's grade 5 class, under the tutelage of Mlle. Sorensen, performed a beautiful piece on the xylophones, and Mrs. Lyall's speech about the upcoming medieval themed book fair culminated in a joust between two worthy horsemen: Mr. Maron and Mr. Cable.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Amazing Assemblies

I miss the ability to walk down the hallway and step into a classroom or the gymnasium and see students working with their teacher and each other enjoying learning, so when I get invited to visit a school and observe our wonderful students and staff in action, I accept with excitement and anticipation.

This past week I was fortunate to attend assemblies at Leduc Estates School, East Elementary School, and École Dansereau Meadows School: I wasn't disappointed!  The grade 3's "Scarecrow" song, Halloween story, and grade 4 cooking demonstration at LES, the grade 6 leadership team's YMCA dance and the students' overwhelming joy when receiving their student of the month certificate at EAST, and the grade 2's magnet song, the Jr. High "Be Proactive" skit, and the school support staff's air band at ÉDMS were all completely amazing!

Great things are happening in BGRD No.18!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

École Dansereau Meadows Professional Development Day

École Dansereau Meadows staff spent the afternoon of September 19th carousel brainstorming and reflecting on what quality teaching and effective student engagement looks and sounds like.  The afternoon ended with a fabulous discussion on the topic of meaningful home learning opportunities for students.  Great things are happening at ÉDMS!

Monday, 22 September 2014

Black Gold Regional Division's Welcome Back - September 19th

It was an amazing morning!  Staff chatted with school and division colleagues in the foyer during the continental breakfast.  Then, at 8:45, our former student Emcees, Allegra and Taylor welcomed our new student Emcees, Reegan and Isabella, and the program began.  The LCHS gymnasium was stuffed with Black Gold employees; their energy: radiant!

Congratulations to each of our long service recipients for reaching the various milestones: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years of service.  Also, congratulations to Cheryl Hafso on being this year's recipient of the Inspiring Success Award of Distinction.

Thank you to the staff from each of our employee groups for giving their warm welcome back wishes, and thank you to Gene Simmons for his guest appearance.  Black Gold Regional Division is second to none!

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Black Gold Regional Division's Beginning Teachers Receive Two Days of Orientation

It was back to school for Black Gold's new teachers on August 25th & 26th.  Day one provided these amazing people with information on the services Central Office has in place to support them throughout the year, and day two saw them out at École Corinthia Park School sitting elbow to elbow with current teachers learning, networking, and preparing for the first days of school.

Thank you to the following staff for coming back early and sharing their craft knowledge with our new teachers; thank you for providing us with your leadership: Norm Dargis, Pam Verhoeff, Dianne Butler, Ray McCubbing, Darren Maltais, Patrick Gamache-Hutchison, Rachel Djordjevic, Ray Cable, Jennifer El-Khatib, Cayley Stewart, Leanne Barrett, Chelsie Marion, Dennis Johnston, Zane Chomlak, and Dakota Williams.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Professional Development Days: École Beau Meadow School & New Humble Centre School

I miss the excitement and energy found in our schools, so when I get the opportunity to visit them, I take it.  I was fortunate to spend the mornings of our last two PD days at both École Beau Meadow School and New Humble Centre School, and what a joy it was to work elbow to elbow with our admin and teachers  - great things are happening in BGRS!

The Beau Meadow staff was looking at the ABC's of Stress in both the lives of children and adults.  Staff discussed the importance of looking beyond the behaviour and attempt to understand that many things may be happening inside the child that are causing him/her to act in certain ways.  It was agreed that a child's behaviour is simply his/her language for expressing how s/he is feeling.  Hence, it is important for us to spend as much one-on-one time with our students as possible so we can know more about their feelings, interests, and experiences in life so we may help them discover what they do well and like about themselves - attachment is critical.  In the words of Gordon Neufeld, "Unconditional love is the indispensable nutrient for a child's healthy emotional growth."

For staff, as caregivers, we must also find ways to manage our stress effectively, and one way is to seek peace; peace is the prerequisite for health.  Finding peace through meditation, exercise, music, or spending time with family and friends can help one stay balanced.  And, also important, is to steer clear of second-hand stress; we must do what we can to avoid taking on other people's stress, even if it means spending less time with people we like for a while.  When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

The New Humble Center Staff Focused on "Inspiring Education" and the vision for education through the three E's of Education: Engaged Thinkers, Ethical Citizens, with an Entrepreneurial Spirit.  The question for staff was "What would this look and sound like in our classrooms?"  Staff shared thoughts on Inspiring Education, the new Ministerial Order, and on communicating this new focus with parents and community.

Like Beau Meadow staff, New Humble Centre staff believed it is critical to know each of our students well so we may understand where their growth lies in each of the 3 E's.  Staff looked at successful people in our world and discussed their strengths and areas for growth in relation to the 3 E's, and it was agreed that for our children to be contributing members in society, they will need to be Engaged Thinkers: thinking critically, using technology to learn, innovate, communicate, and discover; Ethical Citizens: building relationships based on humility, fairness, open-mindedness, and respect; with Entrepreneurial Spirits: creating opportunities through hard work, perseverance, goal setting, and self motivation.