Saturday, 18 May 2013

Connall Riess Fundraises For Life

"Connall, let me get the scissors and cut your hair.  I'll do a good job; trust me!  It could be a fundraiser; we'll do it in the gym, and people will have to give a twoonie to watch."  Connall's reply was always the same, "Na, na, na, no one's cutting my hair!" 

This was the conversation Connall and I had numerous times since he was in primary school at ÉCPS.  One aspect of the principalship that I miss dearly is the bantering with my students; I don't get interaction now that I'm in Central Office. 

Connall is now in grade five, and I haven't seen him for months.  I was excited when I recently received an e-mail from him.  "Mr. Monty," it read, "I'm cutting off all my hair to support the Canadian Cancer Society and because I'm getting tired of long hair.  At our last day of school assembly, June 27th, would you please come to ÉCPS and cut my hair in front of the whole school?  I am sending my hair to the Cancer Society for wigs and I would like to raise money also." 

Tears formed in my eyes as I read Connall's words; the principal and the student had formed a life-long bond.  I am so proud of Connall; he is an inspiration and his actions are a wonderful example of servant leadership.

Please donate to Connall's fundraiser at

and we'd love to see you at École Corinthia Park School at 9:00am on Thursday, June 27th, 2013.


Black Gold Principals Recognized for Their Outstanding Leadership

The Jubilee Auditorium on the University of Alberta Campus was abuzz Wednesday evening, May 15th.  Two of Black Gold's principals, Raymond Cable & Susanne Stroud, received the honour of being nominated for the prestigious Council for School Leadership (CSL) Distinguished Leadership Award.

This bestowal creates a learning community of outstanding principals and assistant principals throughout Alberta who can share professionally, interact collegially and act as mentors to new colleagues. It provides avenues for research and sharing of best practices. Distinguished Alberta School Leaders are those who are looking to challenge the status quo, improve learning in their contexts, and be equipped for higher levels of leadership. These individuals are considered role models in a vibrant network of educational leaders with the confidence and capabilities to lead innovative change for 21st century learning.

Congratulations to both Raymond and Susanne; thank you for your commitment and dedication to our students, our division, and life-long learning.  To Susanne, congratulations on being the recipient of the 2013 CSL Distinguished Leadership Award.